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Bethel Number 2 meets in Chermside

Find out what they've been up to by visiting their blog.

This group can be contacted directly by emailing

or visiting our Contact Us page.


Bethel Number 23 Northern Brisbane meets in Petrie

Find out what they've been up to by visiting their blog.

This group can be contacted directly by emailing

or visiting our Contact Us page.


Bethel Number 24 Moreton Bay meets in Caboolture

Find out what they've been up to by visiting their blog.

This group can be contacted directly by emailing

or visiting our Contact Us page.

Where to Find Us

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The local leaders of JDI are known as Honoured Queens.  A new Honoured Queen is elected by the members of each local group every six months.  So every girl gets a chance to experience this leadership role, if she wishes.

The Honoured Queen leads her local group; running the meetings and organising fun and social events.  She also selects a charitable project that will be supported during her six-month term.

Local JDI groups are currently available at the following locations:

Local Leader "Honoured Queen"

The local leaders of JDI are known as Honoured Queens.  A new Honoured Queen is elected by the members of each local group every six months.  So every girl gets a chance to experience this leadership role, if she wishes.

The Honoured Queen leads her local group; running the meetings and organising fun and social events.  She also selects a charitable project that will be supported during her six-month term.

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