Welcome Grace! This month we welcomed Grace into our Northern Brisbane group. Welcome Ceremonies are always exciting as we get to welcome a new girl into our beautiful organisation. The ceremony was followed by afternoon tea and many rounds of games and fun. We know Grace will have a fantastic time at Northern Brisbane and will become an amazing member!
During March we also recognise our founder Mother Mick. Jobs daughters was founded in 1920 by Mrs Ethel T Weed Mick and every March we take the time to recognise her. She was born on the 9th of March 1881 and in 1933 it was voted that everyone in Jobs Daughters would celebrate this day in honour of her. Northern Brisbane celebrated her through an entertaining librarian's report where Mother Mick came and informed the girls how Jobs Daughters was started. On March 9th JDIqld celebrated her birthday with a picnic at the park where we all joined together and played games and enjoyed some cake. Jobs Daughters wouldn’t be an organisation without Mother Mick, so we always take the time every March to recognise and thank her for everything she has done for Jobs Daughters across the globe.

Shelly Cole and the centennial caravan came to QLD which had lots of old Jobs Daughters memorabilia and merchandise. The afternoon was consisted of a mad hatter's tea party where everyone came with a crazy hat and enjoyed some afternoon tea. Some of the Jobs daughter memorabilia were the 3 different types of crowns and a ritual singed by Mother Mick. It was a lovely afternoon seeing all the memorabilia that Jobs Daughters has.
Written By Georgia
Member of Northern Brisbane