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JGC Email
Please note!
JGC email accounts have been migrated to a new service provider. UserIDs and Passwords have not changed.
To access your email account using webmail, click HERE.
To setup your email account using your preferred app (such as Outlook), click HERE for instructions. Use the following settings:
Incoming Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server:
Incoming IMAP Port: 993 (Secure)
Incoming POP3 Port: 995 (Secure)
Outgoing SMTP Port: 465(Secure)*
Username: Email Address
Password: Email Address Password
For secure settings please ensure SSL/TLS is enabled.
SMTP Outgoing Authentication needs to be enabled. Please keep in mind you may have issues with old operating systems and devices if they are not TLS 1.2 compatible.
Contact Melanie if you have any issues!
JGC Email Accounts
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